Smoke Vs Sanity Testing – Key Differences and Similarities


Smoke testing and sanity testing are two essential testing techniques used in the software development lifecycle to ensure the quality and reliability of software applications. While they serve distinct purposes, they share some similarities and differences.

Smoke Testing:

Smoke testing, also known as build verification testing, is an initial assessment performed on a software build to ascertain its stability. This high-level testing technique aims to detect major flaws early in the development cycle. Testers execute a predefined set of test cases covering fundamental functionalities to “smoke out” any critical issues. If the smoke test fails, the build is deemed unstable, and further testing is halted until the issues are resolved.

Sanity Testing:

Sanity testing, a subset of regression testing, is executed after code changes, enhancements, or bug fixes have been made. Unlike smoke testing, sanity testing is narrower in scope and focuses on verifying specific changes. The objective is to ensure that recent modifications haven’t adversely impacted existing functionalities. By validating the altered code, testers ensure that the software remains consistent and functional.

Key Differences and Similarities:



Smoke Testing Sanity Testing
Scope The scope of smoke testing is broader, covering a wide range of critical functionalities. It is usually executed after every major build. The scope of sanity testing is narrower, concentrating on specific functionalities that have been altered in recent updates. It is conducted after specific changes or bug fixes.
Depth of Testing This type of testing is shallow and aims to catch major defects or issues early on. It doesn’t go into the finer details of functionalities. Sanity testing involves a deeper analysis of the specific functionalities that have been modified. It ensures that recent changes have not introduced new problems.
Timing It is performed at the beginning of the testing process, just after a new build is available. It acts as a gatekeeper, ensuring that only stable builds proceed to more comprehensive testing phases. It is executed after specific changes are made to the software. It helps confirm that the recent modifications have been successfully integrated and do not disrupt existing functionalities.
Test Coverage The goal is to cover a broad spectrum of functionalities without delving into exhaustive testing. The emphasis is on in-depth testing of the specific areas that have been altered.



  • Validation: Both techniques ensure that the software build is of acceptable quality and free from major  issues.
  • Efficiency: By catching problems early, both tests save time and resources in the long run by preventing further testing on unstable builds.
  • Regression Testing: While smoke testing prevents unstable builds from undergoing extensive testing, sanity testing    ensures that recent changes haven’t introduced new issues.


At Both smoke testing and sanity testing play crucial roles in maintaining software quality. The decision to use one or both testing techniques depends on the development phase, the nature of changes, and the desired level of confidence in the software’s functionality. Integrating both techniques ensures balanced validation and a good quality product.

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