Deliver high-quality software using test case design techniques!

Deliver High-Quality Software Using Test Case Design Techniques!

As software becomes increasingly integral to our daily lives, ensuring that it functions correctly and meets user needs is more important than ever. Test case design techniques are a critical tool for software developers and testers alike, helping to ensure that software is thoroughly tested and high-quality before it is released to the public. 

A good test case design is critical to improving the quality of the software testing process. QA testing helps not only in determining product quality but also in modifying the product for usability and ease of use. In this blog, we will explore the importance of test case design techniques and how they can help you deliver software that meets user needs and exceeds expectations.

What is Test Case Designing Technique:          

 Test design is a process that describes “how” testing will be performed. It contains strategies for identifying test cases by enumerating steps of defined test conditions. 

Types of test case design testing:

The primary purpose of these techniques is to test the functionalities and features of the software using effective test cases. The techniques for developing test cases are divided into two major areas

  1. Static Techniques
  2. Dynamic Techniques

1) Static Techniques:

This is a review process that is performed to identify the bugs in the software without executing code.

2) Dynamic techniques:

This technique allows testers to develop test cases that provide complete test coverage. It is divided into 5 types

  1. i) Boundary value analysis (BVA):

Boundary value analysis (BVA) is based on testing the boundaries of valid and invalid partitions. It includes maximum, minimum, inner or outer limits, typical values, and error values.

This software testing technique is based on the principle that a system that works well for these particular values will also work for all values between the two limits.


Suppose the input field should contain 1 to 10 numbers in the input

BVA for the given requirement:

  1. ii) Equivalence Partitioning (EP):

This method divides the input domain data into different equivalence data classes. This method is usually used to reduce the total number of test cases to a finite set of testable test cases that still cover a maximum of requirements.


The requirement is input field should have valid inputs in the range of 1 to 30

ECP for the given requirement:

iii) Decision Table Testing:

It is one of the best techniques for developing test cases, and formulating various combinations of inputs with their outputs. Here we need to create a table and list all types of combinations of inputs and the corresponding outputs

For Example: 

if the user provides a valid username and password the user will be redirected to the homepage. If one of the inputs is wrong, an error message is displayed.

  1. iv) State Transition Diagrams:

Here the test case is designed according to the pictorial representation of the task flow.

  1. v) Error Guessing:

In this technique, testers anticipate defects based on their experience, availability of data, and knowledge of the product.

These techniques are most useful for creating test cases with full coverage. Therefore, all the leading software testing companies focus on test cases and test case design techniques to develop a quality product.


It helps you reduce the number of test cases to execute while improving test coverage and delivering a quality product.

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