Month: August 2023

Smoke Vs Sanity Testing – Key Differences and Similarities

Introduction: Smoke testing and sanity testing are two essential testing techniques used in the software development lifecycle to ensure the quality and reliability of software applications. While they serve distinct purposes, they share some similarities and differences. Smoke Testing: Smoke testing, also known as build verification testing, is an initial assessment performed on a software …

Smoke Vs Sanity Testing – Key Differences and Similarities Read More »

Mobile App Testing: Challenges and Strategies for Success

Introduction: In today’s digital era, Mobile apps have become an essential part of our life. Mobile apps can cater to a wide range of needs, from communication to entertainment, shopping to productivity. However, ensuring the seamless functionality and user experience of these apps across diverse devices and platforms presents a unique set of challenges for …

Mobile App Testing: Challenges and Strategies for Success Read More »

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